Squirrel Removal
Squirrel Control Services
Squirrels Treatment
Squirrel removal is a difficult task. Getting the animals out safely and guaranteeing that they won’t return is a complicated procedure that may include trapping, closing access sites, and personally removing animals. In some situations, more than two visits are required to apply and treat the following conditions:
– The target animal is live-trapped using either an open wire or closed poly trap, depending on the type of animal involved.
– Entry points or other attractants are noted for the site to minimize or eliminate.
– Bait is peanut butter, apples, or other fruits and nuts for squirrels; apples, spruce/pine boughs, piece of a salt lick or dried fruit for porcupines; and sardines, bacon or honey-soaked bread for skunks.
– The target animal is gently moved within the trap into a secure place on our vehicle, then taken out of city limits and released back into nature.
– Contact numbers are left directly with key people on the trap sites to minimize the time a trapped animal spends within the trap.
– If warranted, another trap is placed, and subsequent animals, especially from the same family group, are released in the same natural area as the initial release. At all times, the purpose is to remove the nuisance animal with the least stress for all involved in the process, including the animal, trapper and other individuals.
When a pest problem grows out of control, it is essential to call a professional pest control company like Ecopest. We are the most trusted pest control for Squirrels Treatment.
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Squirrels Facts
Squirrels are most active in the summer, fall, and spring. Because they mate twice a year, they may be a nuisance when they come into our houses to nest. Squirrel removal is critical to avoid any damage to your house.
Though cute and fuzzy, Squirrels can cause severe damage to the wiring in your home or business. Untreated, unremoved squirrels can quickly strip the wire in your attic down to the copper.
Squirrels often burrow in busy urban and suburban settings, where there is enough food and shelter, and they do better in these locations than in more distant natural environments. Relocating wildlife also does not address the real source of the problem, which is a structure that has not been correctly animal-proofed or a food source is available.
Our service specialists understand the various squirrel treatment and provide discreet and targeted Squirrels Treatment.
Squirrels FAQs
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions – Squirrels
Squirrels can damage your home first by trying to gain entry by chewing holes in the exterior and then by nesting in attics where they can chew wires and damage insulation. They can also cause damage to lawns and landscaping as they scavenge for food by burrowing in the ground, chewing on the bark of trees, and eating tree fruits and nuts.
Squirrels can carry parasites and diseases which pets and humans can contract. A mother squirrel can be very aggressive and protective of her young.
Squirrels breed twice a year and will sometimes maintain multiple nests. A squirrel will live 3-6 years in the wild, but they can live as long as 20 years in an urban setting. Some squirrel species hibernate during the winter. They look for a warm spot like a tree or an attic to rest.
The summer is an excellent time to take preventative measures as squirrels will often find attics too hot to stay in. Be sure to identify and block easy access points to your homes, such as chimneys and open vents. You should trim tree limbs overhanging the roof back to prevent roof access for squirrels. You may consider removing tempting food sources such as bird feeders and garbage cans.