Dealing With Moles & Voles
Mole Control & Vole Pest Control
Voles and moles have similar-sounding names, and both create havoc in yards, but they are two distinct pests that are sometimes mistaken. Moles appear to be more well-known, yet voles are responsible for much of the harm attributed to moles. It’s critical to identify which pest you’re dealing with since efficient mole and vole management is dependent on directing the correct action to the right animal. We treat voles using exterior bait stations and chemical bait injected into the holes and provide the best mole and vole treatment in Canada. We utilize mole traps or fumigate the tunnels to control moles. There is no assurance for moles, but we can more easily manage voles.
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Moles & Voles Treatment
While voles and moles have similar-sounding names and both wreak disaster in the yards. They are very different. Moles seem to be much better recognized, yet they are indeed stupid, causing much damage to moles. It is vital to identify which pest you have since efficient management of the mole and of the volley depends on the correct action for the specific animal—mole and vole treatment indoor invasions when outside conditions support large numbers of these crustaceans. Treatments can provide short-term relief, but for long–term success.
We treat voles with external bait stations and apply chemical bait into the holes. Whereas moles, we use mole traps and fumigate the tunnels. There is no guarantee for moles but we can control voles.
Control of Moles and Voles
Several products from Ecopest have been developed professionally for the control moles and voles. For product details, contact our office.
Moles & Voles Facts
The most significant difference between moles and voles is the type of damage they cause. Moles are insectivores, and their primary diet is earthworms, with a few grubs and insects tossed in as appetizers. They don’t eat plants, and so their landscape carnage is the incidental damage of tunnels and runways dug in lawns while on the never-ending search for more worms. They’re gray to dark brown, about 6 to 7 inches long and most distinguishable by their long noses and paddled, webbed front feet – perfect for tunnel excavation.
Unlike moles, voles are rodents that look much like mice, only with shorter tails. They’re dark brown, about 5 inches in length and have eyes and ears that you can readily notice. They feed on grass and perennial-flower roots, they’ll eat seeds and bulbs, and especially in winter when other foods are scarce, they’ll even eat the bark of trees and shrubs.