10 Signs Of Bed Bugs To Never Ignore
We always think that bed bugs live on beds only. That is what the name suggests, but we are wrong. Bed bugs can live anywhere. You can find bedbugs on your office chair, sofa and bus.
You can pick up a bedbug from sitting in a public transport vehicle or your car. They hide in bedding in your home, hotels, or pet bedding. And they are so tiny they can hide almost anywhere. Indeed, finding bedbugs early on may ensure you don’t transmit them to your home–or prevent you from a growing infestation.

10 Signs Of Bed Bugs (And How to Check For Them)
You are aware of how dangerous Bedbugs are, and you are planning to avoid them by all means. Here are a few signs of bedbug Infestation; any of these experiences is a red flag, be careful:
A live bedbug crawling on your couch, mattress, or vehicle seat is an excellent sign of infestation. The seats, glove boxes, and mats are ideal hideouts for the bedbugs. The bedbug you see today might have been living there for a long; regular checking is significant for managing them.
Although their shape changes as they age, many bedbugs are reddish-brown, flat, and oval-shaped. Some Bedbugs can be small as poppy seeds; others can be as big as an apple seed. If you see an insect with such features on your journey, that is a bedbug.
Often, the bedbug shows up when it is slightly dark. You rarely see a live bedbug in broad daylight because bedbugs can hide perfectly. Vacuum your home regularly to hinder the survival of bedbugs.
Human blood is the bedbug’s favourite food. You might suddenly notice red bumps on your body after driving or travelling but fail to know their cause. Bedbugs can nip you while driving or taking a nap in the car’s back seat.
In other cases, these insects might fail to bite you immediately. But they’ll latch onto you later when they are in your home. Do not assume that all the bites and bumps on your skin are from mosquitoes. Sometimes these bites look like those of mosquitoes; check for bedbug infestation whenever you see bites on your skin.
The bites of this specific insect have a distinctive pattern in that they occur in a line. However, you should not ignore any bite, especially if you are experiencing bedbugs for the first time. Be watchful for any bites so you can exterminate them early on.
Bedbugs shed their exoskeleton at least once a week. In other circumstances, they shed the exoskeleton five times before reaching maturity. If you see any exoskeleton in your vicinity (bed, carpet, vehicle, pet bedding), you should call a professional exterminator
You can find the exoskeletons in the areas where bedbugs love to hide. Check inside the glove compartment, the console and between the vehicle seats. Check often, as they might be moving to different areas of the vehicle.
Tip– A double-sided tape is helpful when checking into areas that are hard to reach. Get yourself one to ease your access to floor mats and the edges of seat cushions. Look at the tape as you work with it to see if you’ve picked up any insects.
If you see dark spots on your textiles, you may have an infestation on your hands. Bedbugs usually leave fecal stains on the areas they walk or assemble in significant numbers. The spots smear if you touch them and can have an unpleasant smell.
The bedbugs convey from one spot to the next in purses, bookbags, moving boxes, suitcases, and sometimes our clothes. Once they’re on the move, the insects will live in the areas made of fabric. Ensure you frequently inspect your linens and textiles for telltale dark rusty spots.
Regular cleaning can help you detect any issue early.
White and husk-like specks alert you to the presence of these insects. Bed bug eggs have such features, and what you are seeing is probably shells. As the bed bugs grow, they shed off their skin, creating this shell.
Although you might see the eggshells on the surface level, it is wise to uncover them by digging a little bit deeper. Lift and check on the fabric edge, as the parasite prefers fabric to plastic. Destroy the eggs to prevent further bed bug multiplication.
The shells may seem old, but you should not ignore the fact that you have had a problem. Bed bugs survive for long periods, hiding in your clothes, bedding, and carpets. They relocate when you destroy their habitat, so check routinely and prevent them from increasing.
If you detect any uncommon and musty scent in the car, it can signify any insect issues. Unpleasant and musty smells often signify the presence of pesky critters, and bed bugs fall into this category. These particular insects produce pheromones that can be very strong when many congregate in one area.
Your skin is itchy after a nap while travelling, and you wonder what caused it. The most noticeable sign of a bed bug infestation is the presence of bites on your skin. You might see the signs immediately or later.
Bedbug bites are small in size, red in colour, and constantly itchy. You might experience inflammation minutes after the bite, especially if weren’t on the lookout when scratching your skin.
People may unknowingly carry these insects because they mistake their bites for other stings.
White spots in the crevices of a mattress, couch, or car seat are clear signs of an infestation. The insects lay tiny eggs on the joints and cracks of furnishings. Seeing these should prompt you to investigate the entire area. Otherwise, the eggs will hatch and grow out of control.
One female bed bug lays 200 to 250 eggs in her lifetime. They prefer laying their eggs in cracks and crevices because these are safe areas. The eggs hatch after just 6 and 10 days, so their number increase rapidly.
You might have these tiny insects for months without you noticing. Regular cleaning by vacuuming helps to control the population. Regularly using a vacuum cleaner can help eliminate any problems you might be unaware of.
Tip– use a flashlight to peer between and behind couches, chairs, mattresses, and even under your car seat. Peel back the fabric tucked to the bottom and take a good look!
Looking down and finding bloodstains on your clothes is alarming. Bloodstains are an apparent reason to suspect a bed bug infestation. Bloodstains and bites and red or itchy skin signal you might have a bedbug problem.
Sometimes you unconsciously squash the bedbugs while or after they feed on your blood. The squashing causes blood spots on your clothes. If you often wonder about such mystery stains, it indicates insects.
Time to call the exterminator!
You may not realize that bedbugs spread from one person to another. The friend you carpool with or your colleague on a business trip might unknowingly transmit bed bugs to your belongings.
Even the cleanest friend might be carrying insects along. The parasite does not care whether you are clean or unclean; it needs to feed on your blood.
What to Do If You've Found These Insects
So, you found bed bugs. Now what?
Call an exterminator right away. They can confirm if your infestation is what you believe or if it is some other critter. And they will assess the extent of the problem. Some companies will even bring in canines to sniff out problem areas you overlooked.
Speed is of the essence to stop the life cycle of this critter. The professional will know what to do to take care of the situation.
Final Thoughts On Handling A Bed Bug Infestation
Although they do not carry any diseases, bed bugs are annoying and stressful. Any person with experience with this insect can testify that just the mere thought of them makes people itch. Many people suffer sores that don’t heal well, insomnia, or a phobia after a brush with this insect.
Cushions and mattresses are the most obvious places to check when you suspect you have an infestation. However, these sneaky creatures find their way into places you least expect. It is not surprising to find them in closets, pet bedding, or your car.
If you have any additional questions or are looking to schedule a treatment for bed bugs, call the experts at Ecopest today at 1-866-269-2847.